In American roulette, players will lose all of their outside bets as a whole, if either one of the two zeroes come into play.As European roulette wheels have just a single zero counter, that sky-high house advantage is reduced to a fair 2.7% in the European version.Due to the double zero counters, the house enjoys a 5.3% advantage over players in American roulette.American roulette wheels have two separate zeroes (0, 00), while European roulette wheels only sport a single zero (0).There is only one other variant of the roulette wheel and it is used almost exclusively in the US.Both European and French roulette is played on the same European roulette wheel.This should be enough to provide a clear idea regarding what to expect from each variant. Instead of making it sound overly complicated for someone new to the game of roulette, we will simply list the key factors which are either unique or common to the three variants.
What Separates American, French and European Roulette from Each Other? That’s important since understanding the different rules is necessary to understand the strategies that will follow. Even though we will be focussing on European roulette here, let’s take a brief look through the aspects which separates these three from each other.